From Security Guard to IT Systems Technician | Zeb Movahe
Zeba Movahe was at the end of her rope. She’d pushed on every door, applied to hundreds of positions, and came up empty. She had nowhere to turn.
No one would hire her for entry-level jobs because she didn’t have any experience, and covid 19 added to the difficulties. Depressed hopelessness began to set in.
And then she found NexGenT through a connection, and all of those doors suddenly unlocked.
There were the usual concerns when looking at online solutions, “Is this a scam? Is this going to help me land the job I want?”
Zeba pushed forward and trusted her gut instincts. “I told myself it was going to be my last attempt, my last effort at finding the kind of job I wanted.”
She fell in love with the virtual labs and being able to see real examples of what she’d be dealing with in the field. She gained confidence and direction from our career coach services and refined her resume to reflect the exact types of positions she was looking for all of that time.
Zeba made a connection at a conference and took a chance. “I asked if I could give them my resume, and they said “‘Why not?’” so they passed it to their recruiter.”
Two days later, Zeba got a call — the call she’d been waiting on. The recruiter scheduled an interview with her, and the whole process buttoned up in 10 days.
She went from working 24 hour weeks making 19 dollars an hour as a physical security guard, to making $50,000 a year as an IT Systems Technician.
“Thanks to NexGenT, I’ve ended all of my worries and my stress by landing my first IT position.”
We’ve all experienced that hopelessness that Zeba had, whether in a job search, a project, or at work. It can be debilitating to put your all into something only to have it come to nothing.
That type of resilience is a part of the human experience, sure — but if you’re tired of hitting walls and locked doors, we can help. We designed NexGenT to help you gain the skills, tools, and experiences you need to land an A+ IT position. Whether you’re starting from zero, have a few years under your belt, or are making a career change within IT, our career coaches are here to help you every step of the way.
Don't let the job-hunt blues get you down. You don't have to wait for permission to work towards the career of your dreams — You can start today!